Nelly Wolffheim's ex-libris


In 2016, five books and three loose bookplates of Nelly Wolffheim were donated to the library of the Jewish Community of Berlin.

Nelly Wolffheim was born in Berlin on 29 March 1879. She was an educator and from 1934 to 1939 conducted courses for young Jewish kindergarten teachers with the support of the Jewish Community of Berlin. In 1939 she emigrated to England, where she lived until her death on 2 April 1965.

No family members of Nelly Wolffheim could be traced. Since she worked for 5 years with the support of the Jewish Community of Berlin before her emigration and the Jewish Community of Berlin is also mentioned in a stamp, the books and the bookplates were given to the library of the Jewish Community of Berlin.

The ex-libris were part of the ex-libris collection of the Berlin City Library, the route of access into the collection is unclear. One book had been part of from the so-called Franz-Mehring-Bibliothek, a collection of the BStB compiled after 1945, the previous route of access is also unclear. The other books were part of an accession from the Salvaging Office ("Bergungsstelle") after the end of World War II, Nr. 105, ('ownerless stock from the district office Berlin-Wedding).