Mariawald Abbey
In 2011, a book could be returned to Mariawald Abbey in the Eifel region.
Mariawald Abbey was shut down by the Nazis in 1941, the library was confiscated and taken to Berlin. These Nazi-looted items presumably ended up in the ZLB's collection after the end of the war via the Salvage Office for Academic Libraries. The monks returned to Mariawald Abbey at the end of April 1945.
Additional information
- Schroeder, Werner: Der Raub von Kirchen- und Klosterbibliotheken durch den Sicherheitsdienst der SS, die Geheime Staatspolizei und den Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg. In: Dehnel, Regine [Ed.]: NS-Raubgut in Bibliotheken : Suche. Ergebnisse. Perspektiven. Frankfurt am Main, 2008, p. 57-69.
- Webseite of Mariawald Abbey
- Mariawald Abbey at Wikipedia