Hans and Alice Caminer
In 2013, a loose bookplate by Hans and Alice Caminer was returned.
Hans Caminer was born on February 2nd, 1879 in Berlin, he was a graduate engineer and patent attorney. His office was at Bayreuther Straße 26, Berlin W 36. Alice Caminer née Hatry was born in 1886. She died in 1932 at the age of 46 years. Hans succeeded in emigrating to Great Britain in 1938 with the help of his daughter Ruth, who had previously emigrated to England in 1934.
The bookplate found in the Exlibris-Collection of the Berlin City Library can be traced back to the so-called Treptow Collection (Trp, Hans Pohl), recognizable by Pohl's handwritten note "Woodcut of B.M. Exlibris". Which book the bookplate was taken from and when has not yet been determined. Since the removal took place prior to access to the library stock, it is also unclear whether there is a matching book in the stock at all.