Rudi Joelsohn

Dedication: "Meinem lieben Rudi zum dreizehnten Geburtstag von Mutti. 25.10.1930" ("To my dear Rudi for his thirteenth birthday from mommy. Oct. 25th, 1930")

Dedication: "Meinem lieben Rudi zum dreizehnten Geburtstag von Mutti. 25.10.1930" ("To my dear Rudi for his thirteenth birthday from mommy. Oct. 25th, 1930")

Rudi Joelsohn was born on October 25th, 1917 in Berlin. He last lived with his parents Adolf and Frieda née Leschziner at Kurfürstenstrasse 108/109. On August 15th, 1942, he was deported from Berlin to Riga, where he was murdered three days later.

Adolf Joelsohn was born on April 2nd, 1882 in Pammin (Arnswalde) in Brandenburg. Frieda Leschziner was born on August 7th, 1885 in Magdeburg. Both were deported to Auschwitz on August 4th, 1943 and murdered.

The marks of provenance and objects connected to Rudi Joelsohn are listed here in the co-operative provenance database Looted Cultural Assets.

If you have information that may be helpful in returning these objects, please get in touch.