Annæus Schjødt

Stamp: "Annæus Schjødt Høiesterettsadvokat *Oslo*"

Annæus Schjødt was born on 7 March 1888 in Kristiania. He was married to Hedevig Petersen (1892-1966). The two had two children, Annæus Jr. (1920-2014) and Karen Hedevig (1923-2005). Annæus Schjødt was a lawyer and from about 1940 a member of the Norwegian resistance organization 2A. The family fled via Sweden to London where Schjødt was a member of the Norwegian government in exile. After the war in 1945, the family returned to Oslo. Annæus Schjødt was the state prosecutor of Vidkun Quisling. He died on 12 October 1972 in Oslo.

The marks of provenance and objects connected to Annæus Schjødt are listed here in the co-operative provenance database Looted Cultural Assets.

If you have information that may be helpful in returning these objects, please get in touch.